UPROPERTY doesn't show in Blueprint editor

I am programming my custom class derived from pawn and I ran into issue that UPROPERTY simply doesn’t show variables in Blueprint editor. I tried to reload/recompile project and I also tried different property specifiers but none of them worked.
Any ideas what may cause the problem?

Class header:

class TX_API AMainChar : public APawn

	// Sets default values for this pawn's properties

	float velocity = 0;
	S_SERIALIZABLE float maxRunVelocity;
	S_SERIALIZABLE float maxWalkVelocity;
	S_SERIALIZABLE float acceleration;

	// Called every frame
	virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;
	// Called to bind functionality to input
	virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) override;

	S_FUNCTION void Move();
	S_FUNCTION void ReduceToWalk(FVector dir);
	// Called when the game starts or when spawned
	virtual void BeginPlay() override;

	void Accelerate(bool decelerate = false);

Class implementation

// Fill out your copyright notice in the Description page of Project Settings.

#include "MainChar.h"

// Sets default values
 	// Set this pawn to call Tick() every frame.  You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
	/*maxRunVelocity = 600;
	maxWalkVelocity = 100;
	acceleration = 50;*/

// Called every frame
void AMainChar::Tick(float DeltaTime)

// Called to bind functionality to input
void AMainChar::SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)

void AMainChar::Move()
	FVector dir = FVector::ForwardVector;
	dir = dir * velocity;

// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AMainChar::BeginPlay()

void AMainChar::Accelerate(bool decelerate)
	float factor = 1;
	if (decelerate)
		factor *= -1;
	velocity += acceleration * factor;
	if (velocity > maxRunVelocity)
		velocity = maxRunVelocity;

What’s S_SERIALIZABLE doing for you?

Have your tried recompiling the project from visual studio then reopen the project?

There are no UProperties in your code so there is nothing to show. I can only assume that you put it into these macros that you have there but whatever S_SERIALIZABLE and S_FUNCTION expand to does not matter because the UHT needs to run before the file is even preprocessed.

I remember trying to remove my S_SERIALIZABLE macro and making UProperties directly, but it didn’t solve the problem. However, when I made new fresh class withot this macros properties apperared and when I added S_SERIALIZABLE they all disapperead. Maybe the problem was in proper recompiling after deleting macro.