UPROPERTY Category doesn't apply subcategories

The documenation here says that in order to specify sub categories, you use the pipe operator “|”:

However, when I follow the instructions, I don’t actually get the appropriate subcategory within my blueprint. Here is my C++ code:

/*The native body temperature for this creature*/
	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Creature|Thermal")
		float BaseTemp = 100;
	/*This is the point at which this creature freezes solid*/
	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Creature|Thermal")
		float FrozenTemp = 32;

	/*This is the temperature at which this creature combusts and takes fire damage over time.*/
	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Creature|Thermal")
		float IgnitionTemp = 200;

Here is what I get within the blueprint:

As you can see, the pipe operator is not being parsed, and is instead being included as a part of the string.

Hey -

There is certainly something happening here as the right-click menu for IgnitionTemp appears correctly (Creature/Thermal category) so it seems to only affect the name field. This is not surprising since everything between the pair of quotation marks is as a single string however I understand how it is causing confusion and we will investigate this bug (UE-26610).


You should use ‘|’ as separator

Hi, You @, you should use ‘|’ as a separator.

 UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, EditDefaultsOnly, Category = "Creature\|Thermal")
     float BaseTemp = 100;
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This seems to be an issue again in 4.25

Neither “TopCategory|Subcategory” nor “TopCategory|Subcategory” work - they show up as a single category with the slash as part of the name.