UProceduralMeshComponent is not visible on Android device

I have written an application in UE 4.10 using UProceduralMeshComponent. The component is properly drawn and visible when I run app on WIndows platform. But it is completelly invisible when I run the app on any Android device (I have tried several devices). I tried also many ways of setting up the UProceduralMeshComponent, but with no positive result. I have searched the Internet for the solution, but as I see, there are a very few people that have experiences with this procedural component on Android. I suppose a bug in engine, but maybe there is other explanation.
Please help me - runnig this app on Androd is critical for me.

@clarencelee25: No, I didn’t find a solution. It was 4 years ago, when I posted my question, and soon I gave up and switched to UrhoSharp engine on Xamarin platform. This engine works perfectly with meshes which are changing each frame, and also is very light weighted. I recommend it to you, if the switching to other engine is possible for you.
By the way: it is very iritating, that such a serious bug in Unreal Engine, hasn’t been fixed so far. Greetings

hi zielony71, I stuck in the same problem, did you find any solution?

I think I find the solution just right now(https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/c-gameplay-programming/55720-mesh-from-uproceduralmeshcomponent-not-showing-in-game), all you need to do is just set your UProceduralMeshComponent* pointer to the Actor’s RootComponent, and your mesh would be visible. Thank you so much for your recommendation, but I solve this problem now, maybe I don’t need to switch another engine for now.