Upload to Google Store 4.26.2

Hy, I want to upload to Google Play Store a game.
When i want to upload to Google, i have game.aab 90mb, game-universalp.apk 90mb and game.obb with 180mb .
Now…it’s possible to upload only .abb file, but my questions are,

    • All the game is inside android aap bundle?
    • If is not all my game inside the .aap file, there i need to upload also .obb file, but i can’t see any button to upload .obb file, so where i can upload obb file?

P.s. - My game have 270mb if i packed inside .apk, so if i pack inside .apk and also keep checked .aab file my game exceed 150mb in Google Store.

So…i publish the game, it’s LIVE ( i don’t know how ), but when i download, it’s download only 51 mb, and say:
No Google Play Store Key
No OBB found and not store key to try to download.
Please set one up in Android Project Settings.

Also Need to say

Having this same issue. Why did they bot leave us the .apk option. Did you fix this? If so how?

You will upload only the .aab file, .apk and .obb are inside the .aab file.