How can i upload image for Threads in forum there is no options for it even in Advance section ? i dont wanna upload from imgur or something else and paste link here ? I have ss from my blueprint and i would like to ask something in here via image !!
Alright i found the solution, some how chrome getting mad, you have to log out and close the chrome reopen and relogin again and tadaaaaa there is a toolbar… Thank you @everynone
And another weird issue: @epicgames (i hope some admin will see that) when i search something in forum (im in Europe) i cant find it, when im searching from google i might be find the topic which im exactly looking for but that time i cant answer or reply to them because redirection from the google make me logout in that direction, and when i try to login in that correct place its giving me that error: There was an error contacting the remote service
For example this topic (link down below), i can only find from google, i cant find already logged in forums, no way (no match for advanced search as well !!)
i really would like to thanks many people or help somebody but it`s not possible, very annoying, i hope somebody can figure it out…