Upload and convert 3D interior design files to interactive virtual walk?


I would like to know if there is any software or a platform wherein i upload my 3D interior design drawings with changeable attributes such as colour, material etc and get a virtual interactive walk file, in which my clients can move about and make changes themselves.
Please share if this is possible and what are the kinds of difficulties i may face. Thanks.

3D elements are a design solution that can create stunning visuals and wonderful user experience. 2020 was the year that 3D design became popular and it looks like it will be one of the main trends in web design in 2021. There are various options for 3D design elements that can be static and interactive.

Interactive 3D website design can serve as a way to make your website more interesting and add extra creativity to your designs. Static 3D elements can make designs look more realistic and improve the visibility of your site. Another great way to incorporate 3D elements into your designs is to create 3D characters or 3D mascots.

more on: [pixetic][1]
