Upgrading a plugin from 4.27 to 5, changes to LiveLinkRemapAsset?

Hello all, I’m trying to update a plugin that was originally written for 4.26, I updated it a while ago to 4.27 with no issues, but I’m having problems trying to update it to UE5. The original developer is no longer supporting it.

When I try to build the solution, I get the following errors:
"Cannot open include file “LivelinkRemapAsset.h” No such file or directory (get this 3 times), then at the end
"The command "xxxxxxx…\build.bat xxxx -Project ="xxxx -WaitMutex -FromMsBuild exited with Code 6
I thought at first that perhaps it couldn’t find it, so I made a copy of the LiveLinkRemapAsset.h and placed it in the project directory, but then I get a duplicate header error. and also tried adding the public folder to the include directories, but I still get this.

Using VS community 2019, and tried using 2022, still the same issue.

Thoughts? I’m not familiar with this, so I’m kind of flailing blindly, so any help is greatly appreciated


Same here . and i saw doc is not thing chang. any one?

I am also struggling with this. Did you find any solutions?

nope… I’m thinking that perhaps there’s a bug, or will have to wait a bit and see if there’s a change

HI Guys i already update to 5 success,

just change thje C# include path to new UE5 path

@AlphaCore , could you elaborate on what and where you added the c# include path? I’ve checked all the paths and there is one for the live link remap asset. It still comes up with the same error no matter if I add it manually

ok, so I’m getting a little further i think, I edited the header file in question like this

#include “CoreMinimal.h”
#include “BonePose.h”
#include “LiveLinkAnimationCore/Public/LiveLinkRemapAsset.h”
#include “Engine/EngineTypes.h”
#include “Engine/SkeletalMesh.h”

so now, when I build, I don’t get the error on the livelinkremapasset, but get a different one
Cannot open LiveLinkRetargetAsset.generated.h, no such file or directory. When looking it up, this points to a header file in UE5. When i try to edit, it states that it is a read-only file, which makes me hesitant to change it.

@bsteagal u can check XSENS MVN 5.0 version . they fixed plugins , i think it can help u. or i can send u my version fixed plugins.

Hello, I have the same problem , but it is a plug-in that has stopped developing. I have the source code. How do I modify the c# path?

@AlphaCore Hello, I’m facing the same problem with using AnimNode_LiveLinkPose.h which is under LiveLinkAnimationCore too, but I don’t know how to fix the path in c#. Could you please share your fixed plugin so that I can learn about that?

Still working on this… but prepending the folder - “LiveLinkAnimationCore/Public/FILENAME” - solved my issue. But now I have the *.generated.h file missing during build.

Getting closer, but not there yet.

Anyone else stuck on this.
Add LiveLinkAnimationCore to the definitions in Build.cs