Upgraded to 23.1 (Mac M1 user) - the look around and position tool DO NOT work properly. When I move my mouse it moves in random directions sometimes and just plain seems off… has anyone else experienced this and what can I do?
Thank you for reaching out, can you please try deleting the Config folder and verifying Twinmotion's files as shown in our Twinmotion is not visible after splash screen article? This will reset Twinmotion to a default configuration(you'll see some minor effects from this, such as changed settings in Preferences being reset), then would ensure Twinmotion doesn't have any missing or corrupt files.
If the issue persists in 2023.1 after, please use the Contact Us button on the Twinmotion Community home page here to submit a Bug Report.
Best Regards,
Yes, I have the same issue. Running M2 Max currently, however I had the same problem on a previous M1 machine. From what I can tell, its usually the minor camera pan movements (middle click + drag) that are off - the camera moves in other directions than the mouse.
Hi Morgan, that worked but it still seem to be wonky