Upgrade from 5.4 to 5.5 soundscape audio (palettes, colors, etc) no longer play

Took a fully working project that used soundscapes with palettes and colors to control ambient sounds from 5.4 to 5.5 and now the ambient sounds do not play (other sounds work like footsteps and such) but the ambient sounds do not play (dont’ seem to load either when using the debug console commands to see what is loading). I checked the palettes and colors ( can play the ambient sound in details by clicking play so I know the sounds are there and are playable). Any ideas what might be happening and what to look at? thanks!

Interesting update to this question. It does not play the soundscape sounds in the editor anymore (in 5.4 it works fine in the editor). However, if I do a packaged build the sounscape starts working again(with 5.5 packaged windows build).