When I upgrade to 4.14 the LOD creates these squares out my trees that I generated with the foliage spawner. As I move in they resolve to the trees but it looks really stupid from far away. This did not happen in 4.13.
I would need a way to reproduce this in a new blank project, as the introduction of 4.14 came our LOD generation tool. If you can provide me with some simple steps so I can get the issue to occur on my end, that would help me determine if this is user error, or a bug in the engine.
Well… I’ve been working on this project for just about a year now. I started building my world up from the open world demo. I spread a bunch of trees out with the foliage generator and the trees in the picture above were created that way.
I’m kind of shocked that no one else has reported this since I’m not really doing anything special.
I will try to generate something by the weekend.
I will generate another world off of the open world demo and populate it with some trees and see if it does the same thing.
Yeah I searched our internal bug reporting database and could not find anything related to your issue. Since you are using the procedural foliage spawner, we at least have a source of where the problem could be coming from. Do you get the same results if you use the Foliage paint tool and the same foliage assets?
Keep trying to narrow down and find the repro case so we can get a bug entered, or find you a decent workaround.
I figured it out… somewhat. I had two packages I was using, the open world demo and low poly foliage (or something like that). Through trial and error I realized the trees that were having problems were from those packages. I was running older versions of those packages so I reimported them into my project and the LOD issue went away.