I have Actors that I use as building blocks in my game which each have a static mesh component.
Each time I initialize one of these actors, I replace the static mesh materials with MaterialInstanceConstant’s (this is so I can manipulate the materials to show damage etc):
simulated function PreBeginPlay()
for (i=0; i<Mesh.GetNumElements(); i++) {
mat = Mesh.StaticMesh.GetMaterial(i);
I am now trying to update the StaticMesh of the static mesh component during gameplay:
However the new mesh will always acquire the MaterialInstanceConstant’s set for the previous mesh.
How can I get the materials from the new mesh, so I can reset them as MaterialInstanceConstant’s?
I don’t know why the new mesh would automatically take the material from the old mesh. But I think the way I would have to work around it is keeping a reference to what the default material should be, and then apply it right after creating the new static mesh component.
simulated private function SetMaterialInstances(optional StaticMeshComponent getMatsFromThisMeshComp) {
local int i;
local MaterialInstanceConstant instance;
//Doing it this way, we can grab the materials from the newly set mesh and reapply them as MaterialInstanceContants.
getMatsFromThisMeshComp = getMatsFromThisMeshComp != none ? getMatsFromThisMeshComp : Mesh;
MaterialInstances.Length = 0;
//Create a material instance for each of the mesh materials, so we can update params on them through script (like showing crack for damage).
for (i=0; i<getMatsFromThisMeshComp.GetNumElements(); i++) {
// Create the material instance.
instance = new(self) class'MaterialInstanceConstant';
Mesh.SetMaterial(i, instance);
simulated function SetNewStaticMesh(StaticMesh newMesh)
//Send the TempMeshComp, so we can generate fresh MaterialInstanceConstants (otherwise it ends up using the ones generated for the previous Mesh comp).