Updating Slate UI Layout On Click

Hi everyone,

I’ve been trying to implement the UI for a plugin I’m making using Slate. However, I haven’t been able to figure out how I can change the layout itself when a button is clicked. Since the button click should change the layout itself, I imagine there is a way to redraw the UI on demand, but I don’t know how to do it.

In OnSpawnPluginTab, I bind a lambda expression to my button click. The expression simply turns a boolean flag to true (initially false). SpawnFLVBox() is the layout segment that I want to change. The code for it follows.

**OnSpawnPluginTab: **

TSharedRef<SDockTab> FPickActsModule::OnSpawnPluginTab(const FSpawnTabArgs& SpawnTabArgs)
    return SNew(SDockTab)
            + SVerticalBox::Slot()
            + SVerticalBox::Slot()
**                SNew(SButton)
                .OnClicked_Lambda([this]()->FReply { _testFlag = true; return FReply::Handled(); })**
            + SVerticalBox::Slot()
**                SpawnFLVBox()**

**SpawnFLVBox: **

TSharedRef<SHorizontalBox> FPickActsModule::SpawnFLVBox()
    TSharedRef<SHorizontalBox> horizontalBox = _testFlag ?
        // if true
        + SHorizontalBox::Slot()
        + SHorizontalBox::Slot()
        // if false
        + SHorizontalBox::Slot()
        + SHorizontalBox::Slot()
        + SHorizontalBox::Slot()

    return horizontalBox;

We can see in **SpawnFLVBox **that I simply check the flag, and draw 2 editable text boxes instead of 3 if the flag is true. However, when I click the button, the layout is not re-draw, which makes sense because OnSpawnPluginTab is only called at the beginning. So my question is: how do I request a UI re-draw? How do I refresh the view? I seem to understand that Slate doesn’t work by updating the UI every frame. But then I don’t know what to do to solve my problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.