Hi All,
I am currently trying to do my first Character setup in UE4, having been through the animation tutorial videos on the website.
Now I am still playing with setup and rigging ideas and will probably be needing to go through a bunch of iterations to figure out what works and what does not.
This will include changing the skeleton as exported from Maya.
What I am wondering is to what degree I can modify and re-import the skeleton (and mesh, but mainly skeleton) that is associated with my Blueprint as I don’t want to have to re-do the whole thing every time I make a change or update?
Can I change the overall scale of the skeleton? Can I change the bone hieararchy?
In my Animation BP Skeleton->[Asset Menu] there is a ‘reimport skeleton’ option but when I select it I immediately get a ‘Failed to reimport…’ error. No dialog no nothing.
Someone else wrote a reply to another post saying this should be possible but I can’t see where/how to do it.
Does anyone have any advice to share?