Updating a multidimentional structure array used as Save Data

Hi, I have a multidimentional array using structures (SaveData → Level Data → Area Data → Object Data) for my save data.

Here is a visual of what the overall structure currently looks like, which structure arrays are embedded and all values that is being saved;

My issue is when I try to update and save a “S_SaveDataObjects” value, it is updated in the current session but when I restart and load the slot, all values are reset back to 0.

When the save is created, I fill the structure arrays with empty data extracted from 2 data tables - this is mostly so i can do lazy code throughout the game and as long as the data tables are kept up to date there wont be any problems reading values since they should all exist by default - this might get changed later but it works for now.

Starting off - this is used to fill the save data arrays with empty data (seems to be working)

Alternate start is loading the data instead of creating;

Here is how I update the “cached” save data - which is just a copy of the “S_SaveData” on the player controller

Last step - this saves the “cached” save data value to the SaveGame Instance

Maybe the cause is that while I update the S_SaveDataObjects array item, I also need to update the S_SaveDataAreas and S_SaveDataLevels in a sort of cascade, but since the values can be read and seen in ui in the current session, I don’t think it is that.

The issue I think is around either saving or loading, I just don’t know enough about blueprints to see it.

Fixed, the issue was due to me not updating the variable I use for the save slot index.

Silly mistake, but it works now

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