I had followed a set of tutorials a while back for creating a listen server and creating a client that could search for available servers. The core of it comes down to this:
Server is executing a “Create Session”, passing in its own character controller, 20 player max connections and a “True” for the LAN option. It then opens a level with the “listen” option.
The client runs a “Find sessions” to get all available sessions, passing in its character controller, a limit of 20 servers to find and “True” for the LAN option. I check the length of the resulting array and it is 0 every time.
When I run this in 4.13, it works perfectly fine. When I run it in 4.15, the length of the array for the client is always 0.
I thought it might be my firewall at first, settings not correct for a new version of the UE4 EXE but it looks fine…
Checked through the patch notes for 4.14 and 4.15 and see nothing about those nodes specifically… I have no warnings saying something has been depreciated. Has anything changed that would break this?
Edit: I do want to mention that I also tried it under 4.14.3 and it worked there
Edit2: Appears to have also been reported here: Networking session bug(?) empty results with 4.15 - Multiplayer & Networking - Unreal Engine Forums with a logged bug here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-42368)