Updated Method To Simulate Physics On A Specific Set Of Objects On Collision With A Trigger?

I’ve seen a couple threads with answers to this question, but they’re all incredibly out-of-date. I have a set of letter models in the sky that spell out the name of the level, and I want them to all fall down when the player collides with a trigger. What’s the method to doing this in UE 4.25?

Select the mesh or the mesh component, and check “Simulate Physics”.

set of letter models in the sky […] I
want them to all fall down when the
player collides with a trigger

With Simulate disabled on the meshes:

Image from Gyazo

Can be made more elegant depending on how the meshes make it into the level. The collision in the example is wonky because I set it up this way; it will look more natural with actual meshes, obviously.