[Updated] Dark Souls style fighting system | Gladiators WIP

Great work so far…

As for focus mode, do you mind sharing that blueprint (screen image)? I understand the rotation based on target, but I’m wondering exactly how you’re going about keeping the target while focused.

Do you have the camera automatically rotate to keep the target in front? Are you also making the camera keep both the player and target in frame?

thanks in advance

Hi Shirts, the targetting system is not finished, because we were not sure if we will be implementing it on the final project, but what you can see on the video is simple, I have a variable and I just keep the actor I targeted there.

Then, in the event tick Im updating the camera rotation to point to this target location.

Target and untarget is as simple as emptying the target variable

If you still need the BP image I can look for it, but I think somewhere in this forum someone made an shared a finished targeting system, look for somethink related to RPG

Thanks for the response. I was able to set up the targeting.



Happy to hear this, If you have more questions just ask :slight_smile:

Incredible work ! I see future here… :slight_smile:

Very very interesting Nesjett and well executed, this is a clear demonstration that Blueprints open up a wide range of different systems without having necessarily knowledge of programming, thats why I love UE4 :slight_smile:

Looking forward to see other updates!

Thank you guys, as some people requested that to me, Its possible that I finally decide to release it under a price, maybe Ill add a new thread with a poll to see people interests


Hey, can you help me with collision I see when you had hit the character he/she blocked and a resistance type of animation was player, how did you do that? Was it just a physics set up or pre made animation? If it was physics system based, how did you do it box components? If it was a pre-made animation how does it play after an attack how did you set that up?

Hi Ihaveaquestionguy, this is just a premade animation.

When the character receives an impact, it reacts with the animation, just a play anim montage, if he´s blocking with the shield then I play another montage.

Shield blocking is just a boolean, if it´s true then I check the direction of the hit, and if the hit came from a “front” angle then I play the block animation.
This angle calculation could be used to play difrferent hit anims if hitted by backwards or anythink too.

Anyway, the basic blocking system (without stats, etc), but with anims can be downloaded from the couch knights example, trought the marketplace.

Hey mate Iv seen your video and its awesome, at the moment I am trying to do a similar combat system based on animations as you have.
But currently mine does not work and I was wondering If i could have some help. :slight_smile:

my sword does not have its own blueprint, its an object in the character blueprint thats attached to a parent socket, and the collision of the sword is childed to the sword itself, both by default have no collision.
I can play out my sword swing animation just fine,
I also have set in the anim graph so if attacking is true set collision of the swords collision to the player channel and if attacking is false then set collision to none
Within character blueprint itself where sword is held iv set up a BeginOverlap and Hit Events but neither fire off when im practically swinging my sword in another characters face or against the wall

Would you mind talking me through this/what im doing wrong?

Well, first you should have the isAttacking boolean to be set on your character blueprint, not on the anim blueprint cause its not part of the animation functionality, just do it on the key press event, for example

Second, check your collision presets, you have to make the weapon overlap the pawn object, and be sure that your character has the type “pawn” set on its collision presets (in the character this should be on the capsule component collision presets)

To debug, add a print string node on the onBeginOverlap to see if the problem is on the collision sets or on the hit handlign of your functions


  • Nes

I do have the isAttacking on character, its just checked in anim,
the animation plays out fine, it just doesnt interact with another character as it should

^Anim graph I have a custom channel for players

^In character

Not sure if thats all the problem, but you are disabling the player collision and never enabling it again

Appart of this, you are doing this with a get player character, at a given index, so this means that only the character with that index will get those nodes executed

As a lover of the Dark Souls games; this is rad!

I’d be interested to see the AI fighting you back too. Souls had great AI and animation, really felt like you were duelling. Also is it just me, or can I hear the footstep sound constantly throughout the video…

Thank you TheJamsh, currently I´m focusing on making an enviroment for pvp and a little showcase but I would like to develop an advanced boss too.

About the footsteps, it´s true, I think I had the anim blueprint opened and playing the anim on the backside hehe

Great job on this! :smiley: I was scrolling through the replies and I was wondering, what exactly is “face blocking”? I haven’t really heard that term before, so I’d like to know :rolleyes:

Thanks! Good luck!

Oh, and how do you handle the weapons? I know you said that it’s a separate blueprint, but how exactly do you attach that to the player? Sockets or something? How is the rotation handled when the player’s hand moves? Sorry, all my experience in UE4 lies in 2D XP

Thanks again!

Hi paragonx9, about the shield, “face blocking” means that it relies on where the hit came from, in other words, if both players are facing each other, the shield will block the attack, but if the attaquer is placed on the blocker side, then it will hurt.

How it works? just taking into account the angle between the blocker forward vector and the attacker position.
For sure you can improve this sistem with some tweaks for better accuracy.

About the weapons, yes, Im attaching them to shockets, but you dont have to care abaout shockets cause they moves and rotates equal to the bone where it´s attached.
Well, maybe you have to care about it, but not in the editor, just when you are animating the esqueleton.

Is this system for sale anywhere? I’d very much like to Learn from it if at all possible. I’d be willing to pay whatever you think is fair.

Yeah I would pay too just to be able to pick this apart and learn from it.