[UPDATED 5/16] A.I. Templates - Bot, Car, & +Flying AI

Oh lá lá, is up to something :stuck_out_tongue:

so happy that you are working on ! looking forward for updates! thanks!!

Hi, how I can duplicate the Car AI? I mean if I duplicate the sedan AIcar on the map the duplicated car stand still!
I’d like to create a spawning AI: when I spawn it it will automatically follow the points. is it possibile?

Theres some Code in the event graph of the sample map which you must add a ref of the 2nd car to :slight_smile:

what might be better is to the code in the AiSedan like

that way if you Ctrl+c then Ctrl+v an Aisedan the code updates for each car and where its made public you can change which waypoint they should drive to 1st

Hello , I´d like to ask if anyone could shed some light on how to stop the AiSedan in the CarAi whenever we want. I can see the AiSedan blueprint runs through all the targetpoints (array)placed in the level so it knows where to go next. I can also see there´s a state for the car (Idle, stopping, moving) and its called in the AiSedan BP after the Steering and Speed (throttle) are calculated, HOWEVER if I try to use/call that state (stopping) like after overlapping a trigger box placed in the level nothing happens…what Am I missing here, help please :confused:

I’ve got a vehicle following a semi-winding path, but I’ve noticed that it slows down every time it comes to a waypoint. appears to be by design, as I see “RollingStop” referenced in the Update Movement and Move to Location blueprints. However, my attempts to bypass or even completely remove the rolling stop have been futile. Is there any easy-ish way to turn off or get around so that my vehicle will just power through each of the way points without slowing down?


The states are set by the AI to report what it is currently doing. It doesn’t enforce what the AI should be doing.

The is the distance from the waypoint determines your speed. What you can do is increase the distance the AI needs to reach the waypoint, then it will slow down less as it approaches the next waypoint.

Thank you for your answer . Is there anyway to make the AiSedan stop when requested? messing with Throttle speed maybe?

you might find link of interest [WIP] Traffic System | Maybe Marketplace - Architecture - Epic Developer Community Forums :slight_smile:

You would have to pause the event “UpdateMovement”, which is set in MoveToLocation. Then by setting it to loop again will have it continue from where it left off.

:slight_smile: Alright! Thanks very much !
@ taz0 - thanks for pointing out ´s traffic map - I was already familiar with it (courtesy of StevenK) however it´s a bit advanced for me right now, as it covers many other things, but thanks anyway.

Hey there, first off, thank you, amazing job!
I am working with the car ai in my first project, after countless hours of looking to find how to change the speed of the car, well i could not find a way, if you could point it to me it would be nice :slight_smile:

(basicly i spawn the car ai, transform it over and over again, but the speed just increses and i end up with a super sonic car ^^!

I tried incorporating the car Ai into a project im working on, using the race course pack from the marketplace but the car doesn’t move at all and i have no idea how to fix .

did you copy the BP set up from level BP ?? or take a look at post 164

Very nice system!

Yeah i copied all the blueprints exactly including the level blueprint, i’ll try what’s mentioned in post 164

EDIT: making the changes suggested in post 164 hasn’t made a difference, the ai still not moving.

also when i copy the files directly from the car Ai Project into my project, i think the tries to move towards the waypoint but the tires keep rotating not allowing the ai to actually get anywhere

all I can think is you haven’t linked the waypoints up , could you post a link to dl ur map so I can take a look :slight_smile:

what do you mean by linked the waypoints up?

in the picture you see the list of waypoints

click each one then in the details you have to put te last and next waypoint the car goes to :slight_smile:

i didnt even get to setting that part up i used only one waypoint as a test to see if the ai works