I recently updated my project to 4.26, the project successfully opened and played after converting to 4.26, but upon compiling of the project, it immediately crashes with the attached crash report which points to non of my own classes instead moves around Hot Reload and module manager as a problem, not sure where to start fixing this.
Just want to add I’m having the same problem, the Editor crashes every time I compile. It used to happen about 30% of the time in 4.24 and 4.25, but as of this update I haven’t been able to hot reload at all without an Editor crash.
Just want to say that I’ve reproduced this in my own project last night (engine source 4.26) after placing a ShooterTeamStart-like actor in my level. I’ve had no issues up until this point on my other levels and custom code. 100% crash repro 5/5.
I deleted the eight OchoTeamStart actors that started causing this issue from my level, saved, deleted semicolon in a game cpp file, reverted saved and no longer crash doing an editor compile/hot reloaded. 100% success repro 2/2
To further test (and help whomever at Epic repro) I launched the stock 4.26 editor and created a clean ShooterGame project. Without changing any content, I did the same as above: deleted a semicolon in ShooterGameMode.cpp, reverted, saved and crashed doing an editor compile/hot reload. 100% crash repro 5/5.
Good news is they should have a 100% repro case which makes it a million times easier as a developer.
This isn’t the end of the world, but really does hamper a coder’s workflow. Hoping we’ll see some movement and get the issue resolved!