Update Widget Tooltip?

I made a widget tooltip for an overlay inside a widget. It’s purpose is to give details about an item inside the inventory. I’ve noticed that when you use the item while having your mouse hovering above it, the tooltip doesn’t change, does anyone know how to update the widget tooltip? Thx, I appreciate it.

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So far ive been able to make the tooltip update after the items been used but not picked up. Been trying to use set tooltip node but it doesnt make the tooltip. Can anyone help me solve this?

Create a widget that will serve as a tooltip, create a variable that will handle the text, bind it to the text field. Ensure the variable is flagged as Instance Editable and Expose on Spawn. It’s called New Text here.


In the widget that will show the tooltip, bind a function that will create and show it:

In that function you can feed the tooltip widget any data from the parent widget:

Image from Gyazo

Yeah ik how to make a tooltip it’s just that it doesn’t update the tooltip if something changes for example if I make the tooltip to show the description of an item and the item gets used/deleted, the tooltip stays the same on the screen until your cursor moves away from the inventory

You can store a reference to the tooltip and remove it from parent, and then set it to null.

Using the Set Tool Tip node refreshed the tooltip for me. Weird.