Update Vector Parameter Value to a Material Instance in C++


I’m using Unreal 5.3.2 with C++.

I’m using the SM_Cube_01 from VREditor content:

This cube is using the MI_Cube_01 material instance:

Which have a Vector parameter called GlowColor that I want to change in C++. To do it, I have this code:

void ATFallingBlockActor::SetStaticMeshColour(FLinearColor CubeColour)
	TObjectPtr<UMaterialInstance> Mat_Inst = Cast<UMaterialInstance>(StaticMesh->GetMaterial(0));
	if (Mat_Inst)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("BuildAddBlock"));
		FMaterialParameterInfo ParameterInfo(FName("GlowColor"));
		Mat_Inst->SetVectorParameterValueInternal(ParameterInfo, CubeColour);

But it doesn’t work because SetVectorParameterValueInternal is a protected method.

I did it with Blueprint, and it is a lot of easier:

How can I do it C++?

Thank you.