Update VCam app for 5.4 not connecting

I’m trying to get the new VCam app working with 5.4 but running into troubles with the pixel streaming. The new app detects that there is an unreal instance open and has a vcam in it but will fail to connect. I had the previous app version running in 5.3 last week using remote session as I couldn’t get pixel streaming working then either. Obviously I can’t do that anymore so would like to know what I’m missing to get this running. Have trolled through docs and forums posts on vcam and pixel streaming but so far nothing is working for me. Both devices are on same network, pc is in private network mode for discoverability and have made port exceptions in the firewall. VCam in the scene is enabled, pixel streaming output is set to active, project settings configured the same as when I had vcam working via remote session.


Yeah I’m also having a hard time with this update. Kind of SOL because I just replaced my iphone so I can’t rollback to the previous version. Had no problems 3 weeks ago with the previous one.

Do you see the HUD on your screen in UE?

Yeah I can see the HUD. This is also what is in the log output from when adding VCam actor into the level. I’m also monitoring it when connecting with iPad incase it spits some kind of connection rejected message but there’s been nothing like that, just the auto ping pong messages

Have also tried connect to the signalling server in a browser with ws:// and and getting no response. The ws version gives me the can’t reach site error and the other version say the page isn’t working and didn’t send any data.

You don’t need the port number just the IP. Also, is Windows Defender active? If it is, it’s worth temporarily disabling to see if it’s blocking you.

Having the exact same issue in 5.4, works fine in 5.3 though. Both are using the exact same settings.

Same computer and ipad as well?

yeah no device changes at all

Last thing I can think of is the viewport you are trying to connect too. Sometimes there is no “Viewport 1” that is default to the vcam.

Yeah ive got no clue, thats what ive been doing. I also verified my install still no changes. I have no idea why 5.3 works I made sure to keep the same settings between em.

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I have not been able to get my ipad pro working with 5.3 since the new app came out. Was able to use the ipad in 5.1 with great success but i get zero response with the new app. Also when I tried it in 5.1 the new app didn’t work fro me there either. Old workflows and new workflow yield no results or connectionat all. Any suggestions?

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Same here…sometimes it worked in game mode but now it doesn’t even show the connection any more.

Can you post any logs? Both engine and on the ipad app?

I have found a fix for me to be able to connect via the app. Setting the pixel streaming viewer port to 11111 and manually connecting to that through the app works. Unreal doesn’t get detected by the app but will still accept the connection.

No vcam actor settings get touched just dragged straight into the level.

I haven’t configured any firewall rules allowing this port or anything, the only network settings I’ve touched is setting my network to private to be discoverable.

Apologies for disappearing.



This didn’t work for me, but what actually did fix it for me was changing the setting at the bottom of the Pixel Streaming menu: I changed it from MP4 to another codec and then it worked. So this is a workaround for people where the fix above doesn’t work. (OP maybe you could add this to your solution so it’s easily seen by people facing the same issue)
Also, @shauncomly please take note - for me MP4 didn’t work which is the default setting. Only in 5.4, the whole setup worked in 5.3 with the same devices.

@BF-Frederic If it worked in 5.3is it possible you used up all your encoder sessions (e.g., running too many VCams or having OBS or some other encoding software running)?

Normally, when that happens, it means people are using a GPU that supported H.264 encoding or are streaming to a device or browser that didn’t support H.264. But if it works in 5.3 then that does not sound like the case.

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