update tutorials

Hi, I’m new to Unreal Engine 4, so like any other newbie would do I started Unreal Engine Project, using the tutorial videos as a guide to understand what everything is. As I’m following along with Introduction&Player Controls I came across a blockage down the road while trying to do something in blueprint. Apparently with the new update 4.9 the action that I needed wasn’t in the unreal engine history, I would really appreciate it if someone could come up with tutorial videos for the new update.

They are updating their tutorials, but as there are always many changes in the engine updates, this could take a while
What exactly is different -> probably we can help you :slight_smile:

Updating the tutorials would be a lot of work that has less return on investment than adding tutorials for the things that have no tutorials at all yet.
Perhaps someone going through the tutorials and writing up differences in comments would be helpful, though.

Also, when asking questions: If you mention which particular tutorial you’re running into a problem with, with the particular place in the tutorial and the particular thing that doesn’t work, you’re much more likely to get help!

Yeah I gave up with a pile of stuff because tutorials were broken - so how am I meant to learn how to do X Y or Z? If I wanted to use an engine with no tuts I’d use source sigh tuts are great but only if they work and software is only useful if it can actually be used. All that being said, UE4 is still the best engine I’ve used and still the one with the most info, but for my game I’ve run into problems - which have been marked as solved which haven’t been, still not sure what or how to proceed or to throw in the towel with game dev. Didn’t mean to get so mellow dramatic, sorry.