update the assets material from the world outliner


I want to apply materials to my car and then export it into another project. It’s very convienient to change material in the world editor because I can click on a part, then “select all with same material” and update all parts at the same time. The problem is that since my asset in my asset browser doesnt update I cant export the car with the new materials to another project (since its only the static mesh actors in the world outliner which gets the material).

to me it seems to be two possible solutions

  • somehow update the assets in the asset browser depending on what material they have in the world outliner.
  • somehow export the static mesh actors straight from the world outliner to my other project

are any of theese possible?

You could make the car a blueprint, which writes to a save game, and then read that save game in the other project. Unfortunately, you would have to manually copy the save game between projects.

I don’t see a direct method to do this in blueprints.

If you’re familiar with C++, you could change the material of the static mesh using this code:

YourStaticMeshComp->GetStaticMesh()->SetMaterial(MatIndex, YourStaticMeshComp->GetMaterial(MatIndex));

you could make a script that runs through all your actors in the scene, applying the scene material to the static mesh itself.