Update Notes 4.22:
“New: You can modify Skeletal Mesh reference pose in the Editor with this change. Use normal bone manipulators to modify and call Update Reference Pose option in the Edit menu in Mesh Editor.”
Has anyone found and testet this new feature? Can’t find it where it should be according to the update notes.
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After we asked this question in the last Unreal Engine 4 Stream on 11.04.2019 about “[4.22 Editor Improvements][1]”, and the staff at minute 00:53:25 to 54:40:00 didn’t really know what is meant by this feature from the update notes of 4.22, we dug a little deeper.
We have actually found the feature listed in the Update Notes of 4.22. Unfortunately not in the UE4 editor, but in the source control history:
4 Jan 2019:
support update reference pose of skeletalmesh in engine
7 Feb 2019:
Back out changelist 4681906 of support update reference pose of skeletalmesh in engine. This caused more issue than it solves, so feel it’s a mistake to support this.
Soooo….lost in Nirvana i think?
Screenshot from UE4 Source Control History:
Maybe you should update the Update Notes and the Feature Task “Skeletal Mesh Editor Improvents”, marked as done for 4.22 on the UE4 Trello Roadmap
Have a nice day
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I actually found that option under the Asset Menu in Mesh Editor (though I couldn’t make it work)
Hope this helped!
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I found it there also but I could not get it working. Is there any way to change the Skeleton reference pose in UE? I have tried a ton of stuff but cannot figure it out, or do you need to export into Blender and then reimport?
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