Update purchased content in a more convenient way

Hey Epic team!

Perhaps it makes sense to add an option to Launcher to see a list of purchased assets for which an update is available.

It could be quite similar to what now happens for the plugins - where you’ve enabled viewing a list of plugins for each installed engine version and updating them with a simple button press there.

It is fun and dandy back when you have like 10. But today I have quite a few vault assets on my personal account, plus several hundred on my work account. Conceivably, several of them get updated each week, but it gets increasingly hard to find the ones because it involves going through the combined Vault list looking for small orange circles on over 500 icons. Then again, I have to repeat this from two accounts, because the updates only work from the account used to purchase the item.

This is a wishlist thing, but I predict the number of users to benefit from this will grow as more people acquire more content, especially keeping in mind the giveaways you are doing now.

Thank you!