Update Datasmith Scene

Hey everyone!

in 4.26.2 when you used visual Dataprep and execute the Dataprep Asset it created a Map and a Datasmith Scene which you could update with a right click and in the top (above reimport) there was a Button for “Update Datasmith Scene” which reimported the File again but also execute the daprep asset again.

In 4.27.0 the update Button is there once you execute the Dataprep Asset but once you close the engine and open it again the Update functionality disappears.

Is this a bug someone else had?

Best Wishes

Yes, there is no Update Button for me either. :nerd_face:
But it looks like right clicking on the Dataprep Asset has new options.

‘Execute’ seems to be the new ‘Update’.
But I didn’t test if it re-imports the file again directly.


It seems like using the Execute Button on the Dataprep Asset does not make your File double in the Project but i don’t know how it is with Overrides etc.

It just feels strange that you can Update the Datasmith Scene in the Beginning and once you closed your Project it disappears. That Doesnt sound like its acting like it should

That’s right :smiley:

Solve the issue of locating the update button on unreal engine 4.27.0 by changing the version of the software from the manufacturer’s website.

what do you mean by changing the version of the software from the manufactures?

The “Update”-button on the DatasmithScene seems to reappear after using “Execute” on the DataprepAsset.

I haven’t tested this extensively yet, but it looks as though everything seems to be working as intended from there on.