I have to present a project tomorrow. Today i had scheduled to finalize my scenes and get some real nice path traced-interior images. However, updates. I don't know why path tracing isn't working, but i am so done with the complete shitshow that comes with updating twinmotion. PLEASE implement a save as - previous version - option.
Also, could you announce when you are releasing a new version and/or removing an old version. I dont need a developer diary, but some interaction with the community would be nice - beside bugreports.
I also made the mistake of using a fairly polished preview version and getting forced to upgrade into a version where the the directlink isn't working correctly, breaking various parts of the model. Im all for interface changes but make sure it doesn't snap a working product in two and completely alienate your clientbase by removing all ability to work in the latest and (and in this case not the)greatest version
We have released a hotfix to address some critical issues with Preview 2. It is now available on the Epic Games launcher and will REPLACE the version released last week. If you have auto-updates turned ON, the update will happen automatically.
While this hotfix will fix some of the bugs that you reported last week, it's important to note that Preview versions are NOT production ready. The purpose of the preview versions is to provide you with new features that you can test so that you can share your feedback with us. We'll keep working on bug fixes for the official release of Twinmotion 2023.1 coming later this year.
Here are the fixes:
Fixed a crash when attempting to use DirectX12 on an Intel HD GPU with an outdated driver.
Fixed a crash when opening a certain 2023.1 Preview 1 file in 2023.1 Preview 2.
Fixed a crash when attempting to drag an item from a Container to the root of the Scene graph.
Fixed a crash when opening and editing certain scenes containing painted vegetation.
Fixed a crash when using Twinmotion on a Virtual Machine.