since game update 252 came out ONLY vanilla versions of raptor, rex & carno spawn. no more mod versions… this was working perfectly fine for many many months before this update. new devkit got an update so i update mod and still no mod versions of those dinos spawn only vanilla versions. seems to be reading addl places that i have added raptor to a spawner and even though mod classname of dino is in there it still spawns vanilla version. i also use the remap npc with those dinos (and always have from start) and it seems to just not do anything since update 252… can we plaese get this fixed asap… this i not just me. i did lots of looking on steams workshop and almost anyone who has custom dinos in a mod is seeing this issue. so every mod that remaps dinos on workshop is currently broken…
update: this seems to be related to how these dinos are in the level (config) itself where it list the alternate spawns for the alpha versions. as scorched earth doesnt have this in its level, these dinos are spawning fine in SE.
update 2 - seems this is happening when you make a child class of these 3 dinos. (all of my mod dinos are child class of originals) it is no longer remapping to child class just for these dinos. i made a new mod with only raptor remapped after i made a child class of raptor and gave it a unique name that i could see in game to see if it was indeed a mod dino or vanilla. with making the raptor a CHILD of original raptor it did not spawn mod version of raptor. it only spawned original vanilla raptor. went back into editor deleted mod version of raptor and then made a COPY of vanilla raptor and gave it unique name again and tried it. mod version of dino is now working and getting remapped… mind you there were never any issue in the editor when testing on any map. the remapping issue only shows when normal game is played (not in editor).
yep, that was first thing i did just those 3 dinos stopped spawning after 252 and they were working fine for the last 7 months prior to that update. 252 update also did’nt remap dodos and only spawned vanilla ones but after turkey event ended the mod version of dodos spawned again but still not rex, raptor & carno. not really sure why some mods are effected and others are not. i use the npc remap for all the dinos so any new maps that modders make that use vanilla dinos should work and i also remapped most of the spawners using the remap dino spawn enry. you guys somehow remapping dinos differently ?
I am doing it slightly differently, I am remapping via NPC remap as you do, but that is just a precaution, I am also making children of all the vanilla spawners and adding my dinos to them and then remap the spawners in PGD as well. IT makes my mod non stackable though.
Can confirm. Same is happening to my Raptor, Rex and Carno remaps as well. Also I haven’t tried this in the latest patch, but Alpha creature remapping has been broken for almost as long as I can remember.
I’m only using the “NPC remap” section in the PGD and I have no intention to touch the individual spawners.
It would appear that “Global NPCRandom Spawn Class Weights” in PGD works fine for remapping. At least I remapped my Carno from there and it seems to spawn just fine in the wild.
Tested with Rexes, Raptors and Alphas too. Seems to work. I advice to clear all the “NPC remaps” and using the “Global NPCRandom Spawn Class Weights” to remap everything.