When texture projecting, RC seems to add its own gutter/padding.
I export the alpha channel of the base color texture so I can get the holes of the mesh and fix them in another software package. However, RC is adding gutter/border/padding pixels within those holes of a certain distance, and adding that to the alpha channel. This invalidates the quality of the holes in the alpha channel, so I’m stuck with linear pixel artifacts in the texture.
For reference, here’s a shot of the high poly, textured model in 3d. The gutter isn’t present in the high poly, so RC is adding during texture reprojection.
Is there a way to disable the gutter or padding on texture reprojection, or get an *accurate* alpha channel of the holes in texture data?
There isn’t much to enter, to be honest. The texture reprojection settings are just set to automatic for sampling and projection distance, then I choose to render color, normal, and height.
Wherever there is a hole, RC will add a gutter and padding in the texture of some distance. If the holes are small enough, they are completely covered by the gutter and so alpha is white where those pixels reside. I would have expected them to be black.
Imagine I was rendering a leaf, deleted all the large polygons from the high poly, then rendered to a flat plane in RC. The alpha channel RC generates of that leaf would include pixels from the gutter which shouldn’t happen.
Did you create this hole somehow in RealityCapture? RealityCapture is creating a watertight model, so there shouldn’t be holes in the model. On the image it seems, that it is the edge of the rock. As there is no real texture from images, therefore it is creating something like blurry texture over these areas.
When you scan a surface, reality capture fills in geometry in the areas where the cameras didn’t see… It creates large triangles in those areas to make the model water tight.
I remove those triangles since it’s bad data anyway, and so I naturally assume those empty areas of the model will be transparent in the alpha channel of the textures when projected.
However, when the texture gets reprojected, RC then adds more gutter in those empty areas. I can’t seem to control how much and was hoping you guys could give me some help there.
which parameters did you used as Gutter for high poly model? How much textures did you have and what were their resolution? How is it on your simplified model?