Unwanted rotations of collision primitives from Blender.

Hello, everyone! I have a problem when exporting a custom collision, box primitives have unwanted rotation angles. When scaling the object, the collision is scaled on the wrong axes. Scaling and rotation applied. Naming is correct.

What am i doing wrong?

Blender 4.2.6
UE 5.5.1


CollisionIssue.blend (1.1 MB)

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It’s a golden oldie, apply all transforms… :slight_smile:

Okay. As advised, I applied all the transformations. But the problem is in the scaling of the object. The primitives have their axes swapped. This causes the collision model to not match the mesh when scaling non-uniformly.



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I can find others talking about this, but I don’t see any solutions.

In fact a block is enough here

Simplex collision is supposed to be simple :slight_smile:

If you have a lot of simplex stuff, you might as well use complex, very similar

I know that’s probably not what you were looking for :slight_smile:

Complex collision be cheaper than boxes? o_O (this case?)
I use boxes as the cheapest primitives of suitable shape. Well, I’ll try to check it in 3ds max later. It’s strange that after exporting custom primitives, the boxes’ axes are rotated.
I’m also trying to automate the production of modular assets. I use send2ue and simple collider for blender.

Another example:

Wall collision scale issue

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When you’ve hundreds of boxes, it’s about the same, I’d say.

I think the problem is related to the orientation of each box, if it’s correct, it will stay put when scaled. Untested :slight_smile:

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Yes, collision boxes are oriented correctly. Rotation [0;0; 0].

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Maybe they need to have the same orientation as the mesh ( they are the collision for ), that’s what I read, somewhere… Just try one… :wink:

Thanks for the quick replies in the thread! Do you mean the orientation of the mesh? Or the orientation of the collision box along the longest side (0_o very strange idea). The rotation of the mesh and the primitives are the same, actual state.

By the way, rotation of primitives does not affect the final export.

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Yes, I mean the transform of this collision primitive, for instance

needs to be the same as the mesh part. It was just a guess… :thinking:

Tried it. Any rotations are ignored. Is it just me who has this problem?

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Using UCX_MeshName_## to create convex primitives instead of UBX_MeshName_## for box primitives is a workaround. might not be what you’re after but it scales correctly.


Yes. I tested it, UCX I mean. But, am I alone with the problem of importing boxes. Maybe it’s a bug and requires a report?

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I think most people don’t construct collision this exactly, so it just doesn’t occur that often?

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Mean everyone uses convex and that’s it? Maybe it’s not critical anymore.

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