Unwanted Pawn Spawning on Play

I have set up a scene in which I have a camera that moves around showing off a room.
But when I press play the sequence starts and a default pawn appears where my camera was in the editor.
The rest of my project works but this is really bothering me can anyone help.

(No blueprints were used in this project).

This looks like a default spectator pawn. Two ways to solve this come to my mind:

One way is to create a custom GameMode and a custom SpectatorPawn, then select your pawn as Spectator Class in your game mode. In your pawn, uncheck “Visible” in the details panel.

A second way would be to open your level blueprint, and do the following:
Get Player Controller (index 0) → Get Specator Pawn → Set Visibility (New Visibility = false)
and execute it with BeginPlay

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Thank you so much you really are a life saver it works now.

I’m glad I could help, but please consider accepting my answer for my karma :wink: