I recently installed a small marketplace asset that came with a demo map and two tutorials. I don’t want those in the project, so after checking they weren’t referenced anywhere I deleted them. I now get red errors on the two missing tutorials and cannot cook.
I’ve deleted Intermediates/Saved/Binaries and cleared my DDC, I eventually removed the remaining parts of the asset (a couple of materials and a BP) from the project entirely but still can’t cook and I cannot fathom out what is still referencing them. I’ve even re-added them and checked again for any references, but I can’t find any at all. It’s all gone again now.
Thanks for the reply Alekann01, this didn’t fix the issue but it might well have played a part. After another chunk of deleting and reimporting and fixing up redirectors, I’m now getting a clean cook.
Well, I tried all of it and still have only 2 reference that I can’t get rid off.
I tried to reimport the assets.
-fixed all warning errors
-Fix all redirectors
-Saved all
-Deleted “Builds”, “Saved” and “Intermediate”
Without any luck.
I can’t find the Cook only modified content. I’m stuck
PackagingResults: Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/VigilanteContent/Vehicles/West_Fighter_F18C/Cinematics/Sequences/F18/F18Master requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/VigilanteContent/Vehicles/West_Fighter_F18C/Cinematics/Sequences/F18/F18Master
PackagingResults: Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/NewFolder/NewLevelSequence requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/NewFolder/NewLevelSequence
Well after digging more. I found out that at some point in my project, every time I needed to save, it was creating another map.
When I deleted the maps to keep only the good ones. It created referenced to previous assets that were still registered to those deleted maps. I moved the map folder by creating a blank maps and moved with a new name all the maps to a new location in the project. I Fix all redirectors, resaved all (not saved all), quitted the project, removed the -Deleted “Builds”, “Saved” and “Intermediate” . Restarted the project, Fix all redirectors, Build all level, saved all and attempted cooking. The stew was well done this time!
I had a similar issue. For anyone else who runs into this again to update for 4.27. What helped me finally was doing all the techniques/tips mentioned above.
Plus, making a copy of your project, delete the contents of the content folder, but not the folder itself. Use the migrate tool to just migrate over ONLY the assets from your levels or level, manually move over the player controller, audio presets, video files, the few small things/presets that won’t get picked up by the migrate tool, if there are any forgotten. Copy and migrate is the fastest way to start fresh without creating new project just keep config and content folder delete all the other ones. Unless you want the autosaves, move those to the desktop for the time being, and until you resolve the current packaging issue at least. Then from there your working with just what your using in editor currently, the last thingI had to do was an asset relocalization of every asset in the project, do steps 1-5 from Alekann01’s post above and whalla that worked for me in 4.27. I finally was able to run a successful package.
So this is actually a lot simpler to fix than it would seem. I was tearing my hair out with this when I moved some assets to another folder and it would recreate them and then add empty references to the old folders.
The trick is you delete the old version one by one and use the “Replace References” option and replace the reference with the moved/new assets self. This forces the redirects to correct themselves.