i have a problem with the blackboards in UE4-.
Im using C++ Blackboards to add my needed keys to the blackboard. Now when i use debuggame editor the blackboard is empty and i can add keys as i want. But when i use the same code and switch to debuggame mode. The keys getting added from, actually no idea from. like they where somewhere stored in the resources.
A its absolut unexpected. Nothing similar happens in debuggameeditor
I dont understand how/where they come from.
Biggest problem is they getting added uncomplete !!! All keys i add in c++ code getting added without keytype set and i cant edit it.
so im not creating one in C++. this might explain why the first key got inited properly. but the other keys getting added absolutly unexpected, since they are create via C++ later.
i managed to work around it, by deleting the old key and adding a new key.
its still a bug in my oppinion, since its like the blackboard is looking into the future.
The Reason for this problem, just might be that the BHT somehow needs have this set. no idea