Unwanted Ambient Occlusion

When I construct interior levels in other game engines, I often use small, tilable cutouts to create entryways and the likes. How can I stop the ambient occlusion that is occurring between these cutouts? To be more specific, how can I disable AO between two specific static mesh actors?

Hi Bluebeta,

This doesn’t look like ambient occlusion to me as much as it does an artifact from a light build.

If you’re using static lights and building your scene then for something like this I would suggest making the Door Frame (entryway) it’s own static mesh so that you don’t have the UV split like this. This is just a bad way to handle faces where you need even lighting across a single face.

If I’m wrong and you’re not using any static lighting and lightmapping, try adding a post process volume and setting the Ambient Occlusion Setting to 0 and use this to troubleshoot your scene more. This will remove any screenspace AO that is handled by the Post Process.

I hope this helps.
