Untitled Persistant Map

How do I change the name form what I got stuck with?!! Untitled Persistant Map
I want my map name in there.
What happened please and how can I overwrite?
Tried saving over I end up with a new map!
Not sure where I went wrong here.

I end up with a blank map that way for third person project?
Have to add…
DefaultMapName=/Game/Maps(if using a folder named “Maps”)/(Your Map Name Here)

to the “Default Editor” .ini file

in directory
C:\Rocket Projects\Game\Config\DefaultEditor

Then when you click on your rocket project icon and map loads everything is there, skydome etc…

Can you be more specific about the context of your issue?

Are you saying that you have created a new map and you want to rename it to something else? You can do that with File > Save As and give it a new name. If you are saving over it you are going to be using the same name. You can later go through and delete the umap file.

I just created a new third person project, closed it, deleted the map and opened it back up. The map that shows up when i open it is untitled until i save it, at which time it shows up as expected.

Ok, I should already know this. no problems got it. Need to change the Default Editor ini file to the level startup map. I believe that should be it for now :confused:

I end up with a blank map that way for third person project?
Have to add…
DefaultMapName=/Game/Maps(if using a folder named “Maps”)/(Your Map Name Here)

to the “Default Editor” .ini file

in directory
C:\Rocket Projects\CP_Game\Config\DefaultEditor

Then when you click on your rocket project icon and map loads everything is there, skydome etc…