Unspecific error message - no way to get more accurate information?


I get the following error message in my output log:
PIE: Error: Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item_15". Node: Branch Graph: ForEachLoop Function: Execute Ubergraph BP My Blueprint Blueprint: BP_MyBlueprint

What I understand is, that somewhere in BP_MyBlueprint is a ForEachLoop and it tries to get Item_15 of some array, but there is no Item_15.

What I don’t understand is, that UE knows where exactly this happens, but I don’t get the information. It would help so much, when I would know in which array it tries to access this Item_15.

Is there any way to get that information or do I really need to go through all the ForEachLoops in my blueprint until I finally find the problem?

Most often this means that the pointer is null. May be it’s just private lol. If you are on blueprints, put the “IS VALID” node before get that item and check. If not, let the print string display on the screen that there is a “problem” and then you will understand what the problem is. Without code hard to tell.

Thank you, but this also means, I need to go through all ForEachLoops in my blueprint to check, if it is valid, right?

I understand, that this would be a good solution for every ForEachLoop and I should do that in the future, but I still don’t get how UE doesn’t “want” to share the information with me, which array is the problem, to make the debugging more efficient.

Well. Price for a blueprint uses. If you have so many foreachloops that you don’t see which is problematic, well, you have to set breakpoints to see where is gameplay stops.

I remember that if you click on different links in the error log window, it seems that you can get to the desired spot, but not sure.

Seems like that :frowning:
Well, then I need to go through all of them, when there is no other way. Thank you for all your thoughts before :slight_smile:

Thanks for the idea with the links, but clicking on the links brings me only to the “Event Graph” (where i was last, not the actual position of the ForEachLoop) or to the ForEachLoop script inside the Standard Macros.