Unrelated World Partition Cells becoming dirty when using sculpting tool

Got some issues where sometimes World Partition works fine. Sculpting only causes changes to the cell im on. But at other times multiple cells becomes “dirty” and needs to be save which will cause future conflicts with others.

Anyone else that has this? Sitting on 5.3 btw.

if its on edge tiles this is normal.
A texture from a brush can extend well past the visual representation of the brush size on screen.

Only solution is not to split up work on sculpting/painting.
Use a schedule to work around each other.

Alternatively you would do what others do, and that is not to use the engine for much of anything. Sculpting and setups are all done in a DCC like Houdini for one, where splitting work and commiting changes is a wee bit more consistent.

You can also use a DCC to keep your own work isolated.
When you only import only the tile’s paint and heightmap into the engine, you are sure nothing else is modified by your work.
However its very possible to screw up tile matching/adjacient tiles and create seams.
Any disparity in vector placement will cause problems.

To obviate that you could manually cut and keep the 1px border of the heightmap as it originally was by either looping over it and resetting each pixels color in code, or creating some sort of visual based layer in Krita or any 16bit native visual application (definitely not photoshop! Or any adobe BS).