I have installed VisualStudio 2013 Express for Desktop and launching the .vsix to install the plugin it says that he can’t find a valid product? Any ideas?
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Microsoft VSIX Installer
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - -------------------------------------------
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Initializing Install...
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Extension Details...
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Identifier : ddbf523f-7eb6-4887-bd51-85a714ff87eb
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Name : UnrealVS
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Author : Epic Games, Inc.
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Version : 1.18
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Description : Unreal Engine extension for Visual Studio
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Locale : en-US
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - MoreInfoURL : http://epicgames.com/
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - InstalledByMSI : False
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5]
23/03/2014 19.18.18 -
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Supported Products :
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Version : [12.0]
23/03/2014 19.18.18 -
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - References :
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - -------------------------------------------------------
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Identifier : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.12.0
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Name : Visual Studio MPF 12.0
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Version : [12.0]
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - MoreInfoURL :
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Nested : No
23/03/2014 19.18.18 -
23/03/2014 19.18.18 -
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Searching for applicable products...
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Found installed product - Global Location
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()