UnrealVS can't find VisualStudio

I have installed VisualStudio 2013 Express for Desktop and launching the .vsix to install the plugin it says that he can’t find a valid product? Any ideas?

23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Microsoft VSIX Installer
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - -------------------------------------------
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Initializing Install...
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Extension Details...
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	Identifier      : ddbf523f-7eb6-4887-bd51-85a714ff87eb
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	Name            : UnrealVS
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	Author          : Epic Games, Inc.
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	Version         : 1.18
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	Description     : Unreal Engine extension for Visual Studio
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	Locale          : en-US
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	MoreInfoURL     : http://epicgames.com/
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	InstalledByMSI  : False
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5]
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	Supported Products : 
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 		Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 			Version : [12.0]
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 	References      : 
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 		-------------------------------------------------------
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 		Identifier   : Microsoft.VisualStudio.MPF.12.0
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 		Name         : Visual Studio MPF 12.0
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 		Version      : [12.0]
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 		MoreInfoURL  : 
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 		Nested       : No
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - 
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Searching for applicable products...
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Found installed product - Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - Found installed product - Global Location
23/03/2014 19.18.18 - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
   at VSIXInstaller.App.InitializeInstall()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()

Hi Habaki,

I’m afraid the Visual Studio Express 2013 version does not support IDE plugins so you will not be able to use UnrealVS with that.


Hi, I’m just starting out with using Visual Studio with Unreal Engine. I’ve only worked on blueprint before. As you have mentioned here, I can’t use UnrealVS since I’m using Express 2013 edition. I would like to know if UnrealVS is absolutely necessary to do C++ coding for Unreal. My requirements are limited to compiling a blueprint plugin so that I can have it working in the packaged edition. So can you tell me if I would need UnrealVS to do that?