UnrealSharp: A plug-in that allows you to develop in UnrealEngine5 using C# 12 and .NET 8.0


UnrealSharp is a plug-in developed for UnrealEngine 5. Through this plug-in, you can use pure C# to develop UnrealEngine 5 projects.

Main Features

  • Supports .NET 6.0~.NET 8.0 [default is .NET 8.0], supports C#12
  • Supports creating new Unreal classes, Unreal structures, Unreal enumerations, etc. in C#
  • Supports creating new Unreal properties, Unreal functions, and Unreal multicast delegates for C# class.
  • Supports C# classes to inherit Unreal C++ classes, which means you can implement your own UObject, UActorComponent, and AActor subclasses in C#
  • Supports rewriting C++ Event functions in C# classes
  • Support access to all C# classes, structures, enumerations, methods, delegates, etc. from Unreal Blueprints
  • Supports Unreal Blueprint classes inheriting C# classes and overriding C# Events in blueprints
  • Supports automatically generating corresponding C# binding code for Unreal C++ or Unreal Blueprint [optional]. As long as Unreal’s classes, structures, enumerations, functions, etc. can be accessed in blueprints, almost all of them can be accessed in C#.
  • Support debugging C# code through Visual Studio or Rider, and support simultaneous debugging of C++ and C#
  • Most C++ APIs are automatically generated as versions based on C# Function Pointers to improve calling speed.
  • This interactive function framework based on C# Function Pointers is public. You can register a new C++ API with the framework if necessary.
  • Automatically align Unreal and C# memory management and object lifetimes so you almost never have to handle anything yourself.
  • The style of C# binding code remains the same as Unreal C++, and there is almost no difference between calling these C++ interfaces and in C++.
  • AOT friendly, support for AOT has been considered from the initial design.
  • Pure plug-in design, you don’t need to modify any engine source code
  • In addition to the three special projects reserved by the framework, you can add any number of C# projects, and it also supports implementing corresponding Unreal types in these projects.


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