UnrealRPG - Multiplayer Roleplaying Game (Programmer, Modeler, Animator, Level Designer)

Hello !

Unreal RPG is a Standalone Roleplaying Game designed to reproduce real life. This is a video game developed with Unreal Engine 4, which aims to bring together 100 to 500 players on the same server. The goal of roleplaying is to replicate real life, become a farmer, policeman, doctor or whatever we have always dreamed of being! Join our team is to join an ambitious and evolving project!

Do not be afraid to join our team! It is composed of very friendly people speaking English and French!

Regarding compensation, all our developers will receive a portion of the profits that will have generated our video game once it has been announced to the public.

We are looking for:

  • Programmer
  • Modeler
  • Animator
  • Level Designer

At the moment we are 2 in our team, and we have a community of over 200 people who are counting on us and this project! We can say that this is a safe source for people wanting to venture into such a project.

If you are interested, contact me by mail : [EMAIL=“contact.unrealrpg@gmail.com”]contact.unrealrpg@gmail.com or by discord: Jason Collins#1883

You will want to update the prefix on this thread as this is a rev share project not a paid contract