Per the instructions here, try closing the editor first if open, deleting both the ‘.vs’ and ‘Intermediate’ folders, then left clicking the uproject file and choosing ‘Generate Visual Studio Files’ and then rebuilding the project in Visual Studio.
I have fixed this problem.
It seems that my Visual Stdio 2017 have lost the authority of administrator.
Run VS 2017 as administrator will solve this problem.
Ouch, I had this same issue. totally different root cause.
First fifteen times I tried to build project at a c:/really_long/really_complex/really_long_directory_path on Windows. I tried it once at c:/temp/ and that totally nailed it. (i.e. really short path name.) Who’d have thought that would generate a error with a build fail (and virtually no description) ?
Perhaps this might help others? I hate when error messages are worthless.