UnrealFrontEnd / Project Launcher doesn't find Maps not in Content/Maps

Unreal FrontEnd and Project Launcher only give you the option to cook maps that are in the /Content/Maps folder of the project being packaged. While that’s a logical place for those to be put, literally none of the templates included with 4.9 put their maps in that location. Either the templates should follow that convention and put the Maps folder at the project root, or else, Unreal FrontEnd / ProjectLauncher should scan the Content folder for .umap files and include any levels in the project.

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Hey ,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are aware that the maps are not picked up when they’re outside of the Content > Maps folder however this is an intended process of the engine. The templates aren’t set up this way because they are not a full project, they’re simply templates to build your levels off of. However, I have entered a feature request (UE-21552) for the scanning capability from Unreal Front End/Project Launcher.

Thank you!

“We are aware that the maps are not picked up when they’re outside of the Content > Maps folder however this is an intended process of the engine.”

Woah … ok, this is a major issue for us because of how we are organizing our file / folder structure. Please ‘bump up’.