[UnrealEngine5] How to change mouse setting in Event Graph in Unreal Engine 5

#The default settings in the Event Graph are:
+Hold left mouse to select a range of node
+Hold right mouse to move[/pan]
(the same default setting happen in the viewport for view modes that is NOT perspective, like from top, sides, bottom)
#I wonder if there is a way to change it to the opposite:
+Hold left mouse to move/pan
+Hold right mouse to select
#The reason why I desperately need this:
+we in fact need to move/pan much more than we need to select, and also I use a tablet pen (instead of a mouse)
+And everytime I need to move I need to press a button in the pen (which is painful) whereas I only need my pen to touch the tablet to perform “hold left”
Please help, great gratitude for whoever :slight_smile: .