I do have a problem with an Android-Build from UE4. When I create a text field and then click on it I get the soft-keyboard, but unfortunately with an additional text field that is above the keyboard. (See screenshot) I’ve been looking for a solution for ages, unfortunately I find none. Even if you click on the top text-field you are unable to change the “edit-location” (it closes the keyboar if you reclick it) - its only possible in the editbox above the keyboard. (On iOS everything works fine) Does anyone know a reasonable solution? Such an input confuses every user. Especially when you have to enter a lot.
Thanks in advance
@Platinum_Angel have you found a solution? I’ve also been searching for a solution to this problem. It has come to the point where I am thinking about creating a keyboard from scratch because I cannot find a way to edit the white editbox above the keyboard or a way to remove it. I suspect it would be possible with Unreal engine source code
Greetings @Black_luster42 !
Welcome to the Unreal Engine community! 
I must say that I am no expert regarding mobile builds, but I would like to compliment you on the selection of such an amazing avatar for your profile! I, too, am an admirer of dragons.
Wishing you the best of luck in your game dev endeavors,
Your Friendly Neighborhood Moderator 
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