UnrealEditor.exe 5.1 not digitally signed. Previous versions signed

Dear UE team,

First things first, I’m a programmer with 27 years of experience and I have rarely used such awesome software. UnrealEditor is amazing! Congratulations. Really. I’m envious.

Per the title, and the attached/uploaded screenshots, UnrealEditor.exe v5.1 has not been digitally signed. This goes for all the other executables in the 5.1 release.

EpicGamesLauncher.exe v 14.3.2. (see screencap) has been digitally signed and it was was used to download and install Editor 5.1.

The previous version of UnrealEditor, 5.03, has also been signed.

This is, on its face, a serious problem. You either have some issues with your build pipeline or you have been hacked.

As a programmer and architect, I can’t deploy or recommend any apps developed with an unsigned exe. Supply chain threats are abundant.

Would hate to see some ICVFX used in the next superbowl show the world some beautiful graphics with hate-filled messages from terrorists.

Hoping to hear from you really soon!!!

Launcher v14.3.2.xxxxxx

UnrealEditor.exe v5.03 - has sig

UnrealEditor.exe v5.1 - no sig