UnrealDeadlineService plugin rebuild failure

I was trying to make the UnrealDeadlineService plugin work, and I followed the instructions provided at https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/media/scheduling-epic-games-unreal-engine-pipelines-with-aws-thinkbox-deadline/.

I’m currently at step 2, where I attempted to rebuild the plugin because there was a version mismatch between the UnrealDeadlineService (which I believe is built for Unreal Engine version 5.2) and my Unreal Engine version, which is 5.3.1. Unfortunately, the build process failed, and I received an error message stating, ‘Could not find CoreUObject in the list of all UObjectModules.’ Has anyone else encountered this issue and found a solution?

The issue was attributed to the absence of the engine source files within the Unreal Engine 5 installation directory on my local disk. This oversight was on my part.

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