Unreal X-Reader. Quick way to read your log files

I quickly made a small app to read Unreal log files. Here is a screenshot:


You can download it here: Unreal X-Reader | Unreal X-Editor

Please share your thoughts. :slight_smile:

This is pretty cool. I’ll check it out later (at work) and report back.

Looks very nice, I am still missing there one feature :slight_smile: It will be great to have every category use different color.

For example: “LogBlueprint:” will be blue, “PIE:” will be red, and so on… and colorize just category string, so we can still see if it is error or warning by checking color of message. These colors maybe does not need to be random, they can be assigned in settings of application :slight_smile:

Glad you liked it :slight_smile:

The coloring is actually predefined and included as a resource so changing them at runtime is currently not possible. Anyway I am planning to integrate this into another app that I am currently working on called Unreal X-Manager which is like…what you can say…a global Unreal Project/Engine manager. Here is a very-early-WIP screenshot. UI is just placeholder and not at all final.