I had a similar problem with UE4(4.26) Editor. It would not load and displayed a similar message in a dialog box stating that the Voice Chat plugin was not found or was not a compatible version. When I clicked on the OK button it would just close and exit to the Windows Desktop.
I fixed this by going to my project directory and editing the main project file with a text editor. So let’s say the project dir is /documents/unreal projects/mygame. Go into the mygame dir and, using a decent text editor like notepad++, open the main project file, in this example it would be, mygame.uproject. Find the entry for the plugin that is causing the problem and delete the entry for it.
This worked for me. In the case of the Megascans you could first try just changing the value from true to false. It will look something like the following example:
“FileVersion”: 3,
“EngineAssociation”: “4.26”,
“Category”: “”,
“Description”: “”,
“Plugins”: [
"Name": “MegascansPlugin”,
“Enabled”: false,
“SupportedTargetPlatforms”: [
“Name”: “ActorPalette”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “Water”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “Volumetrics”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “SunPosition”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “Spatialization”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “SimpleHMD”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “ShallowWater”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “RigLogic”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “PythonScriptPlugin”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “RemoteControl”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “RemoteDatabaseSupport”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “RemoteImport”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “PythonAutomationTest”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “StaticMeshEditorExtension”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “PreLoadScreenMoviePlayer”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OnlineSubsystemOculus”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OnlineSubsystemSteam”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OnlineSubsystemTwitch”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OnlineSubsystemGoogle”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OnlineSubsystemFacebook”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OnlineFramework”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OnlineSubsystemAmazon”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “OculusOpenXR”,
“Enabled”: true,
“SupportedTargetPlatforms”: [
“Name”: “OculusAudio”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “ModelingToolsEditorMode”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “MotionTrailEditorMode”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “MixedRealityCaptureFramework”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “LensDistortion”,
“Enabled”: true
“Name”: “Landmass”,
“Enabled”: true