Unreal unusable due to lag

When using UE5 OR UE4 as soon as I click or right click on anything the engine becomes completely unusable due to lag/stuttering. I am unsure why this has happened as I have never had this problem in the past. I did recently install Windows 11 however others do not seem to have the same problem as me.

PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Core I7 10700K
GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700XT (Nitro Sapphire)
RAM: 16GB DDR4 (KHX3200C)

I have also tried uninstalling all engine and reinstalling them to no avail. It happens in any project, whether it be and old personal project or a blank new project.

Desperate for some help, thanks in advance.

That seems very strange, and sad. Your specs are alright and you shouldn’t experience any freezes with that setup. What kind of harddrive is the engine installed on? If it is a standard mechanical hard-drive that might be your bottleneck.

Check your log. If you see “LogUdpMessaging: Warning: UDP messaging encountered an error. Auto repair routine started for reinitialization” then disable the below plug-in. This was causing huge lag spikes on many of our machines.


I have an SSD however it does only have about 100gb free on it. Thanks for the suggestion I will have a look


Disabling UDP did not seem to work. I have something STRANGE. While checking if the SSD was bottlenecking I had the window out of full screen and the LAG stopped!? It only does it when I have UE5 window maximised… Any fix for this?

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For me disabling auto hide task bar fixed, right click stutter ( Windows 11)

I have exactly the same problem. My specs are new and good and I’ve installed windows 11.
I did not have this sort of troubles with an outdated spec with window 10.
Unreal engine is unusable due to lag. I’ve tried all sorts of solutions with no result.
It seem, it has some trouble with windows 11.

I decide to reformat my pc and reinstall Windows 11 than UE5.
And now it seems to work fine.
I’ve maybe done something wrong with my first instalation ^^'.

Has this issue been fixed? If yes, what did you do?

Hi, I have the same problem.
my build is composed as follows:
CPU: AMD 5900x
VGA: 6700xt
RAM 32gb

But despite this it lags both UE5 and UE4.

Any solutions?

If anyone else had the problem. Just turn off “automantically hide windows taskbar” it should be left fixed

Turning off auto hide of the taskbar did not solve it. I still have a very delayed UI in the engine, especially when hovering over any elements like folder names, materials etc.

The hover animation simply lags behind which makes it very painful to work tbh.